Sunday, April 13, 2008


damn sian......

Things happen too fast in a short time.......

Guess its time to move on......



Anonymous said...

wow new blog?

nice ;]

Anonymous said...

hey.. whoever this imposter is over here.. i dunno what purpose u are trying to achieve.. But just to let u know.. that u are like super childish? Are u like, that stupid or idiotic or have such a great brain deficiency that u have to stoop to such a low level to having to copy other people's ideas and identity?

Seriously, people like you have indeed little purpose in living. If u rather live your life out copying someone else's style of doing things and think its funny, then i really pity u, cuz ur life is like so sad. No originality, just a mere carbon copy of someone else's work.
You dun have to reply who u are but if ur aim is to defame him. Ur life is really one piece of shit. Wait. Maybe worse. In fact, if u have to stoop so low, u are nothing. Ur existence on Earth must have been so meaningless that u have no other choice except to come over here and defecate on the internet.

Poor people like you should really just stuff their head in the oven and die. Whatever it is, I must say I have been amused by the fact that people who have such a huge brain deficiency actually exists..

Perhaps, the legend is true.. The most retarded person in legend has risen and its purpose in its short time period of life is to defecate everywhere and die with shit in its face. Nvr knew that the legend was true till now.. Hmmmm.. Guess maybe the legend of Captain Asshole is quite real after all..